Over the last three months, I’ve had the uniquely world-altering experience of living outside of the F4F Official Collectors Club Facebook Group. As such, I’ve been a little, well, “out of the loop”, as to what’s going on in the First 4 Figures world! But when I saw that the Okami Divine Descent statue was going up for order today in Definitive and Exclusive Editions, I figured it was time to tune in to the latest episode of F4F LIVE and Unplugged to get up to date and learn the answers to such pressing questions as:
WHAT ever happened to the Spyro Ripto’s Rage PVC?
WHEN will Conker be shipping out to collectors in the US?
WHO has joined the F4F team in the agency’s BOGO Sale?
WHY has progress been so slow on Yu-Gi-Oh?
IS a new version of Alucard in development?
AND did someone say “Darksiders”….?
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