E3 2018: First 4 Figures Statues On Display! F4F Mimic Dark Souls!

Last year, First 4 Figures fans were blessed to have the first-ever major convention appearance by F4F take place at New York Comic Con 2017. This year… we’re not so lucky. The only official F4F convention booths will be overseas in Hong Kong and Germany later this year. But CEO Alex Davis hasn’t forsaken us North Americans reveals-wise entirely—the long-awaited Dark Souls Mimic Statue debuted at E3 2018 this week!

E3 2018 First 4 Figures Mimic Statue FigureRight up until last week, there was no expectation that any new First4Figures statues would be making their debut in the United States this year. But on last week’s live Q&A, F4F icons Alex Davis and Tsoek Cheung let us know that they were sending something special to Los Angeles for E3 2018.

And that something special turned out to be the grandiose unveiling of the very first new resin Dark Souls statue since Ornstein in October 2017: Mimic!

First 4 Figures Dark Souls Statues at E3 2018 Artorias and Mimic Size ComparisonAs we can clearly see in the photos, as enormous as the 21” tall Artorias statue is, the new Mimic statue somehow absolutely towers over him! We won’t know the final specs on him until he goes up for sale, but this is one big monster boy.

Back of F4F Dark Souls Mimic Statue E3 2018While a Mimic isn’t exactly the most legendary character from the Dark Souls games, it is a very unique (and twisted), memorable part of the adventures.

Its statue base is also pretty unique among F4F statues with its rectangular, non-curved shape. According to F4F’s Tsoek Cheung on Facebook, the large base won’t be slimmed down any further: “We have already trimmed it down. Anymore, it will look unbalanced as a whole. We want to give off this solemn, emptiness mood, and then BAM!!! ATTACK and RUN!!!”

Mimic Dark Souls Statue First4Figures E3 2018 I’m about as far removed as you can get from being a horror fan, but even I can appreciate amazing detail packed into this First4Figures Mimic statue, from the hairs on his body (including the bum!) to the crazy sculpting texture on the tongue. This is one beautiful horrifying monster!

First4Figures Shiranui Statue Okami Figure at E3 2018In addition to the Mimic and Artorias, several older F4F statues that have already been put up for sale were also displayed at the 2018 E3. Probably the most interesting for many fans was the Okami Shiranui Statue, which made its first-ever public appearance at the show.

F4F Nightmare Soul Calibur II Statue at E3 2018Sold-out statues such as Katamari Damacy Prince, Pac-Man and Nightmare from Soul Calibur II were also on-hand at the Bandai-Namco booth and certain to be catching the eyes of thousands of fans who likely had never heard of First 4 Figures before (but will remember them now for sure!).

2018 E3 Katamari Damacy Prince StatueI wasn’t on-hand at the show myself (though I would have seriously contemplated traveling if I’d known about the F4F presence sooner), but Catherine Galusha Ayling and Greg Walus were kind enough to give me permission to run the photos they posted on social media alongside this article. Thanks, Catherine and Ayling!

E3 2018 Artorias F4F StatueThe First 4 Figures Mimic Dark Souls statue is expected to go up for sale on the F4F website sometime in Q3 2018, with an anticipated release date likely in the latter half of 2019. I’ll post full information on the pre-order specifics, exclusive edition and more once Mimic Reservation Friday takes place in the next few months.

Now that you’ve gotten your first glimpses of him, what do you think of the F4F Mimic figure, Dark Souls fans? Is this massive monster bound for your home, or are you sticking to the more prominent characters from the Dark Souls mythos?

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