Kingdom Hearts Select Series 3 Figures Released & Photos! Tron Sora!

We’re just one week away from the event that Kingdom Hearts fans have been waiting over 13 (yes, THIRTEEN) years for: the sure-to-be-epic release of Kingdom Hearts III. And you can’t have a milestone this figure without some new toys, right…? And so, Diamond Select Toys has just started shipping their Kingdom Hearts Select Series 3 Figures, including Tron Sora, Sark, Hooded Mickey Mouse and more! Let’s see how they turned out…

Kingdom Hearts Select Series 3 Figures PackagedWhile I’m still waiting for the KH Select Series 2 Figures I ordered on Amazon to arrive (they’re supposed to ship next week), I got a surprise first look at the wave while I was at my local Newbury Comics this weekend.

They had one of each of the three new sets in-stock, and although I decided not to pay their inflated prices for them, I did scope out each pack and take some hi-res photos of all the figures.

Kingdom Hearts Select Tron Sora and Sark Figures with Photon DebuggerSpace Paranoids Sora is easily my favorite costume for Sora in any of the video games (although Lion King Sora isn’t far behind), so I was hyped for this figure. And I’m not disappointed—he looks incredibly fun and retro.

Kingdom Hearts Space Paranoids Sora Tron FigureWe get a rare new addition to the Keyblade accessories with Space Paranoids Sora as well: the Photon Debugger Keyblade. This is one of my absolute favorite designs for a Keyblade, and getting it here is a huge win in my book.

Kingdom Hearts Select Sark FigureIt does feel a mite peculiar to get a figure of Sark in this line when we’re still missing several crucial playable characters such as Riku, Kairi, Ventus and Terra, but since this is primarily Tron-themed wave, I can’t complain too much about getting a rare Disney antagonist in this wave.

DST Tron Sora Tron Donald Sark FiguresWhat is a big loss, however, is what seems to be the quiet cancellation of Tron Donald Duck from this pack—and perhaps from the whole line? I’m really confused about what’s going on here, as Space Paranoids Donald has been and still is being shown as part of this set on every major site selling it, from Amazon to BBTS to EE.

Tron Donald Cancelled from Kingdom Hearts Select Series IIII’m hoping that the Tron Donald figure has just been moved to another wave or given as an exclusive or something, as it would be beyond lame to not get the full Space Paranoids Trinity after being promised it in the solicitations. I could see a real downturn in collector confidence and interest in this series as a whole if this situation isn’t rectified.

Diamond Select Toys Kingdom Hearts Organization XIII Mickey Shadow AssassinBeyond the controversy surrounding Donald Duck (there’s something I never thought I’d say), the rest of this wave looks solid. Hooded Mickey in Organization XIII coat is the deadliest Mickey’s ever looked in action figure form, although not getting any Keyblade with him is a bummer.

The semi-translucent purple Shadow in the pack looks really neat, and I dig the all-new Heartless Assassin figure (although Space Paranoids Donald would have sold this pack far better).

Kingdom Hearts Select Tron Goofy and Tron FiguresFinally, the Space Paranoids Goofy and Tron figures round out this wave. I never thought I’d be getting an articulated action figure of Sark in 2019 prior to this being announced, so his inclusion here is crazy fun. He looks good and I can see a lot of collectors buying this pack just for him.

Diamond Select Space Paranoids Goofy Figure KHIITron Goofy looks terrific, and will pair beautifully with Sora and Tron himself. This is the best any of the Diamond Select Goofy figures have looked to-date, in my opinion.

Cardback Kingdom Hearts Select Figures Wave 3As with the entirety of the KH Select toy line, the packaging for this wave is rather plain and generic (particularly the backs of the cards). That’s okay with me, though, as the packaging for these will be going straight into the recycling bin, where all my action figure boxes end up. It’s Kingdom Hearts-themed and tells me what’s in the series and what I’m buying—that’s good enough for me in a value line like this.

Kingdom Hearts Select Wave 4 Maleficent FigureThe next series to be released has just two two-packs announced: Kingdom Hearts III Sora & Maleficent and Kingdom Hearts III Donald & Goofy (with scepter and shield). Donald and Goofy haven’t been shown yet with their new accessories, but I’m very much hoping to see them in-person (plus hopefully other new reveals) at New York Toy Fair 2019 next month.

Kingdom Hearts Select Kingdom Hearts III SoraThe DST Kingdom Hearts Select Wave 3 & 4 Figures are still available for order online, and are shipping out this month. Now that you’ve seen in-hand photos of the final packaged figures, what do you think, KH fans?

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