It’s hard to believe, but time has flown by, and the final First 4 Figures Q&A of 2017 has arrived at last! But this episode isn’t significant just because it’s the last one of the year! The long, long delayed F4F Varia Suit Samus statue will go up for order one final time for Last Chance Weekend during this episode, in addition to the usual truckload of collector questions being answered!
But that’s not all! Can you say “Christmas Sneak Peeks”?! It’s a late Christmas present from F4F as some never-before-seen sneak peeks will be revealed to us during the livestream! And for those who can’t watch the video, I’ll be recapping it all here LIVE with text and screenshots on Gamer Toy News as it happens! Stay tuned for F4F Q&A #51!
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