F4F went BIG this week, and the *COMPLETE* F4F Q&A #121 Recap this week has now been posted! In this week’s exciting installment, learn the answers to queries like:
WHO would the next two Dark Souls busts be after Artorias if he sells well?!
WHEN are we likely to see the POs for Reignited Spyro, Sonic & Tails Diorama and Neo-Cortex?!
WILL we be seeing any Berserk statues up for order this year?!
WHICH Castlevania SOTN characters does Alex want to make a reality?!
WHAT is Alex’s “absolute recipe for success”?!
…And more!
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It’s a double-holiday weekend, book-ended by King Chockles’ birthday today and Memorial Day in the US on Monday! What kind of #F4FThings did we learn to kick off this momentous weekend in F4F Q&A #120? Well, how about…
WHO does Alex see as possibilities for the next statue in the Conker series?
WHAT body part does Alex hate poles being up?
WHERE will Artorias Life-Size Bust be displayed publicly for the first time next month?
WHEN will Alex be visiting the factory to hopefully give Bowser the thumbs-up?
HOW much lighter does Alex feel after his lengthy trip to the bathroom?
IS Jet Black selling as well as Spike Spiegel did?
…and more!
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99% of the time, it puts me in a bad mood when I get woken up in the morning by the doorbell ringing. Luckily, this morning happened to be part of that outlying 1%. Why? Because the FedEx driver at the door needed me to sign off on the delivery of not one, not two, but three First 4 Figures statues! With a glorious bounty like that this morning, there’s no way I could resist cranking out at least one review today! You can still get on the Wait List for the Exclusive F4F Spyro & Sparx PVC statue: should you? Let’s take a look…
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I had an emergency last week and missed out on F4F Q&A #118, but it’s business as usual for this week’s Q&A #119 with First 4 Figures CEO Alex Davis and King Chockles! In this week’s action-packed episode, get the answers to such questions as:
WHAT form would Eggman take if First 4 Figures ever did another statue of him?
DID somebody say “Mario Kart TT Poll”?
COULD we see Persona 5 pre-orders in 2019?
DO the delays on Amaterasu PVC and Ornstein SD make Alex want to put PVCs up for order earlier before the tooling is ready?
WILL Alex sing the Poke-Rap for us?
HOW likely is a Kid Icarus Pit statue in the next two years?
WHO looks solely to be the sole entrant to survive through to King of the Ring IV next week?
…And more!
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Spike Spiegel is preparing to begin shipping out now, but he won’t be alone for long: the First 4 Figures Jet Black statue is now up for order! But not only will F4F be revealing the final prototype of the Exclusive Jet Black figure and opening up reservations, but they’ll also be answering hard-hitting questions such as:
WHICH character’s lack of success in the Avatar/Korra character poll has completely taken Alex by surprise?
WHAT statues did Alex inspect the final production versions of and do drop tests for at the factory this week?
WHEN will Bowser be ready to ship?
IS Super Shadow the Hedgehog 100% confirmed now to be done as a statue?
HOW are the TT polls for Horizon Zero Dawn and Assassination Classroom faring?
…and more! Can’t watch the live-stream where you are? Stay tuned, because the F4F Q&A #117 Recap is now LIVE!
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