I’m getting packed up for Star Wars Celebration in Chicago (which I am somehow now going to although I literally hadn’t planned a thing at this time last week), but I couldn’t leave with a clear conscience if I hadn’t first recapped the latest episode of the First 4 Figures Q&A with King Chockles and Fun Daddy Alex! In this week’s episode, you’ll learn the answers to such universe-changing questions as:
WILL we see sneak peeks of the resin Deku statue before My Hero Academia Season 4 premieres?
WHO are the April Fools Day F4F Chinese overlords, the Chens, actually?
WHEN will we be seeing official Starfox and Assassination Classroom TT polls?
CAN we have an official King Dedede poll?
HOW does Alex feel about the state of F4F Anime thus far?
WAS there a massive wave of cancellations after this year’s April Fools Day prank?
IS the Crash Team Racing statue on track for a pre-order during the launch window for the remake of the video game?
…and more!
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