F4F Q&A #120 Recap: King Chockles’ Birthday!

It’s a double-holiday weekend, book-ended by King Chockles’ birthday today and Memorial Day in the US on Monday! What kind of #F4FThings did we learn to kick off this momentous weekend in F4F Q&A #120? Well, how about…

WHO does Alex see as possibilities for the next statue in the Conker series?

WHAT body part does Alex hate poles being up?

WHERE will Artorias Life-Size Bust be displayed publicly for the first time next month?

WHEN will Alex be visiting the factory to hopefully give Bowser the thumbs-up?

HOW much lighter does Alex feel after his lengthy trip to the bathroom?

IS Jet Black selling as well as Spike Spiegel did?

…and more!

Alex Davis Playing Air Guitar F4F QA 120Announcements and The Week in Review:

  • It’s Chocks’ birthday! Happy Birthday, Chockles!
  • Project Manager Buffy is off-screen in the studio; her first project is the Mega Man PVC that’s now at the physical stage
  • Yes, she is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  • Buffy is the F4F Slayer.
  • More Banjo goodness coming along
  • Alex “is cold as ice and willing to sacrifice”
  • Alex has been doing a ridiculously boring grind this week in Sekiro, sneaking around and stabbing enemies in the neck to get 700 EXP points per kill
  • Chockles plans to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse someday
  • Alex’s door is always open and he’s happen to see any art portfolios any time
  • Alex will see an update on Gravelord Nito on Monday, but development has been really difficult
  • Haven’t done a single advert for the Mini Aku Aku Masks yet; they would have closed for ordering today but haven’t sold 1000 pieces yet and thus will remain open a while longer
  • If you ever get a chance to come to Hong Kong, do ping F4F and come meet the gang (but not on Tuesday or Thursday)
  • Buffy is working late because she wanted to watch the Friday Q&A live and in-person! But she “DEE-NIES” the opportunity to do a cameo.
  • Jet Black Exclusive pre-orders will remain open until June 7th
  • Mario on Yoshi, Alphonse, Psycho Mantis, Shovel Knight Player 2, Warp Star Kirby, Solid Snake SD, and more are still up for order
  • Will try to have a production sample of GNF Toyz Sonic vs. Chopper sent over for an unboxing
  • Difficulty with Sonic & Tails diorama is that Sonic has to be holding up Tails, but it needs to look like Tails is flying and holding up Sonic; arms have to be made of metal to facilitate this; very difficult engineering
  • “I really hate poles up asses for the ability to keep things in the air” — Alex Davis
  • Go and vote for Alphonse in the Toys TV Poll as a present for Chocks’ birthday!
  • Chocks gave Alex so much grief while they were 2-player co-oping Shovel Knight
  • Will do production videos of Banjo-Kazooie next Monday
  • Skull Knight prototype is done–will be taking photos soon-ish
  • Needs to go see the tooling model of you-know-what on Monday as well as visiting the Shiranui/Guts factory
  • Will visit the Bowser factory next week to hopefully approve it for shipping to Australia/Asia
  • Alex was a bit depressed about his recent health check-up because of his cholesterol and needing to take medication for the rest of his life for it
  • “The only test I’ve ever done well in is my cholesterol exam”
  • Alex gave up a little bit on his Keto diet and stopped going to the gym, but now realizes he is woefully unprepared for upcoming Bowser DDT drop test
  • Amaterasu PVC pre-order after the June Las Vegas Licensing Expo
  • Alex has 20+ meetings booked for Las Vegas Licensing Expo and he’s also starting to get quite a few meetings booked for E3
  • Almost at the point where Bayonetta guns can go to 3-D printing
  • All Might Action Figure is now in the tooling stage; have been keeping to only opening pre-orders once the PVC tooling is ready
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays have become company meeting days for Alex at the Hong Kong office; proving very useful and Alex is learning things he otherwise wouldn’t know about so that he can catch problems early
  • Avatar the Last Airbender poll isn’t where it needs to be–there need to be at least 3 characters at 800 votes

TT Polls and The King of the Ring IV:

  • Soul Eater TT: 334 Votes — 121 Yes, 213 No
  • Mario Mart TT: 362 Votes — 250 Yes, 112 No
  • Alex feels about 2 kg lighter after his lengthy visit to the bathroom; had a great dinner including Broccoli, Sweet and Sour Pork, Beef Rib thing, Soup, Pork Knuckle and some sort of wood fungus
  • PsychoNauts TT Next Week!
  • Slayers TT in 2 Weeks!
  • This Week’s Hashtag is #F4FWhenYouGottaGo for a chance to win Rewards Points this week
  • “The lower the views get, the more bullshit the Q&A gets.” — Chockles
  • Last man standing in King of the Ring IV Is 3PM Christian Hernandez

F4F QA 120 Logo Packing TapeThe Q&A!:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog movie has been delayed to Valentine’s Day 2020 to account for design changes; rumored Sonic will be wearing gloves in his redesign
  • F4F wanted the Sonic PVC to coincide with the release of the film; now that the movie has been delayed 3 months, should the PVC be delayed 3 months as well? There’s a pretty packed PVC schedule.
  • Can talk to Nintendo about future Zelda PVCs at the Licensing Expo next month
  • Pepsi Man statue? “Hit us up, Pepsi.”
  • Nintendo doesn’t directly decide when Zelda statues will go up for order, but F4F can only put them up for order after Nintendo approves them. So in a way, Nintendo does decide.
  • Angry Video Game Nerd?
  • 2020 is the year of Zelda at First 4 Figures! December 31st, 2019 is the start of the year of Zelda.
  • Companion Piece Sparx? “Hm. Perhaps.”
  • Warp Star Kirby and Psycho Mantis start production reasonably soon; Warp Star Kirby sooner and Mantis a bit later
  • Would love to make Sekiro resin statues
  • Know what the first lady Dark Souls resin will be
  • Alex and Sav don’t talk any more like they used to
  • In addition to the blue, black and red F4F packing tape, there’s also a green packing tape for shipping statues [I haven’t seen that one yet. Has anyone?]
  • Should we offer our tape on the website?
  • Death still going ahead nicely despite Dracula delay
  • Bayonetta guns almost done
  • Interchangeable masked/unmasked heads for Midoriya and Bakugo? “Maybe, maybe not.”
  • First episode of Q&A with Chocks and Peggy while Alex is away?  “What about Chocks and Dabs? When are you gonna come over and have a stream?”
  • No Midna production news
  • Spyro TF PVC has the record for most Day One orders: “bonkers”
  • Still tweaking badge for Phoenix Wright statue
  • Alex is all about blackjack at the casinos; prefers poker when playing with friends as Chocks is going to find out the hard way
  • GNF Toyz has the Korea/Southeast Asia license for Sonic, and can distribute worldwide through F4F Partnerships
  • Statue reveals during the Licensing Expo? “We do not comment on rumors or speculation here at First 4 Figures.”
  • Would love to do a big diorama piece like the Champions from Zelda Breath of the Wild; maybe something that can be envisaged sometime in the future
  • Nothing to say about the display case for Midna right now; it’s simple whereas Midna is the main event
  • Would love to do a Conker vs. Poo diorama or a Military Conker statue
  • No Chockles birthday party at the F4F office
  • Chockles did not offer a Red Bull orgy to the F4F staff; no one else in the office besides Alex and Chocks drink Red Bull
  • Want to continue expanding F4F Partnerships; no unannounced partnerships at the current stage
  • Chockles received his 1000 birthday rewards points and will hit the next loyalty level soon if he claims the Let’s Playsearch Sekiro points on Sunday
  • Do we want to start a Kickstarter for an F4F Factory?
  • All Might AF pre-order probably in August
  • Nothing to report on Darksiders; if there was anything actually happening, it would be slow as molasses
  • Still not sure anything like a Kickstarter for Aika will happen
  • Jet sales are quite significantly lower than Spike’s, but that was expected
  • Will talk more about the engineering of Sonic & Tails diorama in the Making of Documentary eventually
  • Sonic vs. Eggman diorama would absolutely have Classic Eggman in his Eggmobile, but maybe with the legs coming out for the walker version like an AT-ST
  • Thanks to the Great Bang H Le for fostering the Mario on Yoshi and Amaterasu PVCs that Alex needs for the Licensing Expo
  • Gamestop should be receiving their Spyros pretty soon
  • Chocks will have two late birthday presents coming from Saara Arwington
  • Dracula should be up for pre-order before October; Death should be… “which October are we talking about?”
  • Faye is pretty much done and will be submitted soon; will then focus on Ed & Ein
  • Plush still delayed for now
  • Plans on locking down lots and lots and lots of new licenses in Vegas
  • Don’t know how many GNF Super Sonic & Amy PVCs have been sold
  • Want to see Modern Amy Rose poll hit 700 or 800 votes; post was locked because it kept getting bumped without getting much new traction
  • Artorias GSB and LSB are on their way to display at E3 2019; don’t even know if the LSB will fit into the cabinet there

Artorias Busts Pre-Order Date…And that’s a wrap for the 120th edition of the F4F Q&A! Come back next week when pre-orders open for the Dark Souls Artorias Life Size Bust and Grand Scale Bust! Learn anything exciting this week, #F4Fans?


F4F Q&A #120 Recap: King Chockles’ Birthday! — 3 Comments

    • They were reprinting his head last we heard. Pre-order “soon”… “before October”.