F4F Q&A #59 LIVE Recap: F4F True Form!

To my dismay, my workload ended up being too great for me to recap last week’s F4F Q&A #58. That’s to my eternal regret and sadness, but what’s past is past–and now it’s time to look forward to the latest installment of the First 4 Figures Q&A with F4F CEO Alex Davis and Lieutenant Chockles! This week: the Metal Gear Solid Snake statue returns one final time for Last Chance Weekend, the dynamic duo discuss F4F PVCs, and as usually–an enormous number of collector questions will be answered in the F4F Q&A #59!

F4F Q&A 59 Recap ScreenshotOn F4F PVCs:

  • F4F would never approach Nintendo about SD Zelda statues without having numbers behind it to show demand
  • Alex really wants the SD line to work because it would be distinctive for F4F–“their” SD line
  • Anime characters would be perfect for SD
  • “TF” = “True Form”; TF PVCs are the non-SD PVCs such as BOTW Link, Crash Bandicoot and Amaterasu
  • F4FTF001:01LOZ = Breath of the Wild Link (L.egend O.f Z.elda BOTW Link PVC)
  • F4FTF003:01OKM = Okami Amaterasu PVC
  • The regular PVCs will eventually be available on the F4F website with Flexipay plans

On The Week in Review:

  • Alex didn’t post much this week–because there’s nothing happening! The factory is off for Chinese New Year, statues aren’t being produced right now, there’s no videos to post
  • Alex just finished working on the overall shape and proportions of resin Neo-Cortex
  • A glut of development is coming up after the glut of pre-orders; there’s a ton of exciting stuff coming up–a ton
  • Alex’s first F4Funday post was for a Shadow Kirby repaint of the Fighter Kirby statue; F4F knows people are divided on variants being announced long after pre-orders for a statue are closed
  • Mugen’s sheath was changed to be more accurate;
  • Mugen edition size was 300 for Exclusive (EX) and 275 for Regular
  • One of the ideas for going ahead with the Samurai Champloo Jin statue is to do Jin in his regular clothes as well as a Jin with an interchangeable head/torso with long hair and his upper body showing; could be offered as a regular version, an EX with extra interchangeable torso/head, and a Combo Pack with two whole Jin statues

On TT (Temptation Thursday) Polls:

  • Ace Combat: 33 ‘Yes’, 294 ‘No’ Votes; “TTs Never Die”; maybe this will get more interest when the new Ace Combat game comes out this year
  • Hellblade: 95 ‘Yes’, 158 ‘No’ Votes
  • The ‘No’ votes are there on the TT polls to gauge the demographics and what the community wants and doesn’t want, as well as members’ personalities–they let Alex know what individual members like and don’t like
  • At this point, Alex doesn’t a truly freakin’ amazing rundown of the franchises that many, many viewers in the stream are interested in buying statues from. It’s worth watching the video of the stream just to see Fun Daddy Alex rattle off his insane knowledge of the members in the group!
  • Next week’s TT: Tomba!
  • This week’s hashtag is #F4FGL (Good Luck) for a chance to win 500 reward points next week

F4F QA 59 Playing CardsThe Q&A!:

  • F4F would like to put 2-3 more SD PVCs up for order this year, and 1-2 more TF PVCs
  • F4F is gonna work hard on the Phoenix Wright statue starting March 3rd
  • Collectors will know the 3rd Dark Souls SD statue once they receive SD Artorias–it’s revealed in the pamphlet
  • The Majora’s Mask documentary will be put up after the photography for Alucard is done
  • Still in aftermath of NYCC and everything on hold during Chinese New Year, which is why there haven’t been many sneak peeks lately
  • Meta-Ridley is looking “very” sick and will “possibly” be up for order this year
  • Haven’t heard back from My Hero Academia licensor because they were at New York Toy Fair [So was I!]
  • F4F will hopefully not ever get rid of the UK Warehouse; UK and Canada have similar number of orders
  • Can look into adding a red “Fragile” sticker to the shipping box; Alex doesn’t think it will make much difference, though
  • F4F had a breakthrough on potential card holders today; stay tuned
  • Ornstein Edition Size: 1300 Ornstein Exclusive! “Much love and thank you for the support!”
  • Artorias had an edition size of 1400, but was quite a bit cheaper than Ornstein. Sif EX was 1100. Ornstein did excellent sales-wise. F4F will go as deep with Dark Souls as collectors allow them to!
  • Classic Crash resin hasn’t been approved yet, but pre-order will be sooner rather than later if everything goes smoothly
  • We don’t see Daily Impossible Hints anymore because of NYCC; F4F will never do what they did for NYCC again; Maybe 1-2 new things will be shown at GamesCom
  • Pre-orders may be opened temporarily at conventions that F4F attends to help recoup the costs of attending events because “Holy shit did we lose a lot of money at NYCC”
  • Alex will never forget the true honor of meeting fans at NYCC who knew about and had been following the club for years
  • Kamina is almost done–100% ready to submit next week, looking tighter than ever
  • Need to follow up with Sunrise to see when Cowboy Bebop Jet Black statue can be put up for order
  • Elite Knight; Black Knight — F4F wants to do all the Dark Souls characters, but doesn’t want to talk about characters so far in the future
  • Lack of success for Mugen and Saitama overall is the reason that the Cowboy Bebop statues have simpler bases; tweaking the formula to see if sales were bad on Saitama and Mugen because of high price sensitivity
  • First 4 Figures wants to put out a fair few SD PVCs; at least 2 more Dark Souls SDs and 1 SD for another line in 2018 if all goes well
  • SD Solaire PVC possibly up for sale at the beginning of June to coincide with Dark Souls Remastered launch window
  • “Yes”–Alex thinks there are some companies that overprice their statues; Having said that, this has to do with the edition size as well (“Maybe their staff eats steak every day, I don’t know?” –Chockles)
  • Chockles only eats Red Bull and Love
  • No chance of Legend of Zelda SD statues this year
  • F4F has a PDF presentation that they send over to new licensors that don’t know them to let companies know who First 4 Figures is, what they do, etc.
  • Been talking about giving F4F Reward Points on members’ birthdays each year
  • The Berserker armor is looking monstrous
  • F4F wants to produce Jin and Fuu from Samurai Champloo, but there have to be enough people who want to buy them
  • Haven’t really thought about doing dioramas of Peach’s Castle or Hyrule Castle–“RTF” (Rally the Fans” if you want to show interest in this type of statue
  • Guardians from Majora’s Mask are probably a bit too niche–“RTF”
  • Skull Kid on top of Moon would be huge–“RTF”
  • To secure your number for True Form Midna, you would have to authenticate Ganon’s Puppet Zelda to keep your number
  • Fullmetal Alchemist Alphonse is “fucking massive”; he’s crouching down slightly, but still may be the tallest F4F statue to-date
  • F4F hasn’t talked to SEGA about the Kiryu combo pack yet to see if they’re okay with it
  • Alex’s top three Zelda games: TP; WW; BOTW
  • Chockles’ top three Zelda games: LTTP; WW; not sure on 3rd (hasn’t had a chance to play BOTW yet)
  • The Banjo Exclusive is “nice” and “solid”; “well-rounded”; Alex isn’t sure if it’s “epic”
  • More likely to stick to old-school Metal Gear Solid characters for statues than Old Snake from MGS4
  • “What’s Persona?”
  • Alex brought Chockles some playing cards and a blue journal from the Las Vegas Licensing Expo last year
  • Alex doesn’t write the numbers on the bottoms of any of the statues
  • It’s time to submit Genos
  • Chocks and Kanako have watched My Hero Academia–Kanako gave it the thumbs up (as did Chocks); Alex hasn’t had a chance to watch it yet, but is a conduit to what the fans want
  • Chockles knows what My Hero Academia character he’d like to do a PVC TF of
  • Starfox is on the TT list
  • Sheikah Slate is with F4F and needs to be painted again; Rider Link: working on 3-D; True Form Midna: submitted; Amataerasu PVC TF is fine and proceeding
  • Alex and Chocks have never prepared answers for the Q&A in advance–there’s no scripting and never has been
  • Alex will run down the factory line of Aku Aku Masks to set them all off once they’re ready
  • Don’t know if Guts will come in two boxes or not yet
  • F4F can look into dioramas more as more lines in 1:6 start being done
  • No updates on Persona 5 yet, but the licensing is becoming more and more interesting to Alex
  • Alex doesn’t like that Chock dissed his SD concept; Chocks doesn’t like everything Alex does
  • Could Persona 5 Joker in school uniform have a beaten-up interchangeable head? “Why not?”
  • If fans demanded F4F SD PVCs of Alex and Chocks, Chockles would be posed Drinking a Red Bull and Alex would be in his DMX Time Pose; Switch-out parts (and character lower bodies) for the Exclusives
  • Trevor Belmont? Simon Belmont sales were incredibly low; Chocks looking forward to the second season of Netflix Castlevania
  • Will Bayonetta be up for order this year? “That’s tough… very, very long journey.”
  • F4F doesn’t benefit more from people ordering the exclusive over the regular as long as they’re ordering direct from F4F
  • Need to think about how to create a combo for Fuu; not obvious
  • Day and Night Combo Packs would be a great way to do Persona 5 statues if the license was acquired
  • Not going to talk about the time that Alex fragged Chocks’ ass at Doom
  • No comments on Varia Suit production right now; factories closed until 3/3
  • 5-10% bump in sales from Last Chance Weekend in general
  • Amaterasu’s sales exceeded Alex’s expectations
  • Factory workers don’t get any discount on F4F statues (but maybe get them for free if no one’s looking!)
  • F4F Employees get to purchase statues at the exact cost of the piece
  • Nothing to report on Yu-Gi-Oh for now
  • Hoping to get news on True Form Midna from Nintendo next week
  • Guts PO at the end of March
  • No Puck will be added to Guts EX
  • Can’t do a Majora’s Mask art print–it’s vaulted (denied by Nintendo, but looked super sweet)
  • Experience from Artorias will influence Alphonse’s plume of hair; it will be much thinner and a separate piece
  • Luigi’s Mansion isn’t “evergreen” like most Nintendo statues; F4F would need to have a face-to-face conversation with Nintendo about this
  • Would be more inclined to make a 1/4 Attack on Titan human characters line than 1/6
  • Still very committed to the resin statue lines; but need to expand to PVCs and plush to have more “pillars”
  • Alucard PO next week if all goes smoothly–watch the newsletter for confirmation next week

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