F4F Q&A #95: Phoenix Wright Statue Definitive Edition Pre-Order & More!

It’s been over three months since the last time a new resin First 4 Figures video game statue has gone up for sale, one of the longest gaps in F4F history. But even that time period pales in comparison to how long we’ve known about the subject of today’s show: the Ace Attorney himself, Phoenix Wright! We saw the teaser last week, but this week we’ll see the full reveal and the Phoenix Wright Exclusive & Definitive Edition Statues go up for order today! Don’t have the time to watch the stream at home? Follow along with the F4F Q&A #95 Recap!

First 4 Figures Phoenix Wright Video LaunchAnnouncements and The Week in Review:

  • Green Player 2 Shovel Knight is shown on the stream! He’ll be a companion piece statue up for pre-order in the next few weeks
  • Crash Bandicoot resin is already approved and in-house, and is being sent over to IGN for review; the Asia warehouse will be sending out the first shipment to Australia soon to see if they arrive safely–Crash arrived the DDT Drop Test by Alex, but they want to make 100% sure he can survive shipping perfectly
  • Alucard Familiars and Mini Aku Aku Masks will be future, “truer” Companion Pieces and not just variants of existing products like Green Shovel Knight is; none of the Companion Pieces will count in the overall numbering scheme for a series
  • Alex was the revised pre-production samples at the factory on Wednesday; Posted videos in the club this week of the wiring and pre-production/production samples of Varia Suit Samus from the factory this week; a super-complicated and difficulty piece to produce–really, really tough
  • There is no substitute for having light-up features in the Varia Suit Samus EX–it would be a disservice to not do light on this statue; for something like this, it just makes sense
  • Amaterasu Life Size Bust factory brought over 5-6 pieces for Alex to see this week–lots of improvement since the last time Alex saw it; this is the same factory completing the edition sizes for Nightmare and Silver the Hedgehog–unfortunate, since this factory is super slow
  • Had to remove the head on the Amaterasu PVC so that the tooling line wouldn’t run across her face; requested Ammy’s head be cut off so that it goes with the hairline and isn’t very obvious–the Reflector will also be covering this seamline
  • Not enough space for First 4 Figures at PAX East next year; looking at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle as a potential replacement in the schedule for March 2019; sent in the application form; several gaming companies are in Washington, so why not kill two birds with one stone and do a convention and also hit up some companies potentially, right? Would be especially nice since F4F has never hit the West Coast before.
  • Alex on the chances of being accepted to ECCC: “It wasn’t the instant like ‘Fuck Off!’ like it was from PAX East.”
  • New York Comic Con 2019 is a possibility in the October 2019 time slot
  • Kingdom Hearts 2.0 Character Poll hasn’t shown much difference from the first character poll; disappointing considering how quickly and how well the Persona 5 and My Hero Academia character polls fared; if you want Kingdom Hearts, go and vote in the poll!
  • Ripto’s Rage Cover Spyro (Original Version) PVC Statue is in the works
  • Spyro PVC different colors swatches shown this week to give us an idea of what the colors will look like

F4F QA 95 Recap Green P2 Shovel Knight RevealTemptation Thursdays and King of the Ring:

  • Seven Deadly Sins TT: 185 ‘No’, 248 ‘Yes’; Alex: “Noice!”; Keep rallying for this, anime fans!
  • Drakengard TT: 179 Votes; 122 ‘No’ and 57 ‘Yes’
  • Guacamelee TT Next Week!
  • Fairy Tail TT in 2 Weeks!
  • King of the Ring Week 4: BOTW Link is currently thrashing Zero Suit Samus badly
  • Rose Pesiri is the only remaining participant in KOTR II after 4 weeks! Massive shout-out to Rose for being the last (wo)man standing!
  • The odds are massively against Rose, as she has predicted that Zero Suit Samus will win over BOTW Link; Zero Suit Samus will need to get more 900 votes in the next few days with Link getting none in order for KOTR II to continue on for another match
  • Alex guarantees Rose will be eliminated this week
  • KOTR III will have 6,000 Rewards Points Up for Grabs!!

F4F Phoenix Wright Statue on Courtroom BaseThe Q&A!:

  • The Mini Aku Aku Masks will be up for pre-order when Crash Bandicoot resin is in-hand for collectors, so probably sometime in January 2019
  • Having done the Fullmetal Alchemist coins for Aniplex, Alex wonders if we’d like to see coins available with some statues or as part of the core range? Maybe even the FMA coins could be sold in different colors, if Aniplex allowed it?
  • Coming to the point where F4F can start looking at other Metal Gear games like Snake-Eater
  • Drakengard TT is… not doing so well.
  • Gears of War could be revisited as a TT sometime
  • Halo has not had a TT before
  • No point in revealing a resin statue before the PVC; Alex is pretty convinced that Resin + PVC is the right strategy–believes more people will consider buying the True Form PVCs than the resins because of the price-point, making more people aware of First 4 Figures; more people being aware of F4F existing can only be a good thing; people who see how out-of-their-budget resins are won’t even bother joining the club, but those who are a “maybe” for a PVC may fall in love with F4F and eventually buy resin statues as well
  • PVCs + Resins makes logical sense to Alex–this is the kind of thing that Alex lives for; one of the aspects of running the company that Alex loves the most; it’s exciting to be a company that doesn’t just specialize in resin anymore; Alex loves the idea of being able to bring in new clientele because of different product types
  • Alex could have been a diplomat like his father if he hasn’t run First 4 Figures–probably a good thing he didn’t, since he’s not very diplomatic with his warm and fuzzy management style; very fortunate in that he was already running First 4 Figures while he was at university and not searching for something to do with his life
  • It would take a lot to convince Alex to show off the vaulted Pokemon concept
  • No Kickstarter news
  • Jet Black should be going up for pre-order this year
  • Alex has a very clear idea of who the next Nintendo PVC will be and in what line; will be in Q1 2019 if everything goes smoothly
  • Bayonetta 2 PVC? “Let’s get Bayonetta 1 done first.”
  • Alex and Chocks had a conversation over dinner about the next PVC in the Crash PVC line
  • What should be next in the Phoenix Wright line if Phoenix himself sells well?
  • Varia Suit Samus may be finishing up at the factory by the end of the year, but won’t be shipped by then
  • Crash on Polar Bear? “Interesting.”
  • Don’t leave your statue boxes sitting outside in extreme cold
  • Alex isn’t convinced that Fusion Suit Samus is a popular suit; “Convince me!”
  • Mimic may go to pre-order this year; “everything changes”
  • Right now this is the only piece in the Phoenix Wright line; there is no “Capcom All-Stars” anymore; Viewtiful Joe is a standalone piece; low numbers for Phoenix Wright will be available
  • Missed the chance to do a vote for the Spike Spiegel Day One card
  • Will inquire about adding an easy option to postpone a payment on the payment plan without first trying to
  • Only recently decided to go ahead with minifigures, so it will be a while
  • Alex on Team Raw winning Survivor Series for the third year in a row: “Unbelievable, right? …….Is that what happened?”
  • Duplicating Nito now and determining how to handle his “chicken legs”
  • Oki is on the back-burner
  • Chibi needs to be looked at a little more
  • Very un-confident Edward Elric will be ready in April 2019; Roy Mustang could possibly be next
  • If Al doesn’t hit 10 bars, Alex will be disappointed; his sales are moving in the right direction now, and is significantly closer than he was at first
  • Nothing to share at this point regarding Mustang
  • Have never done a Black Friday sale on the site; the site isn’t set up for that
  • Alex can work on a reference list of what statues are at what factory
  • Green and Black Shovel Knights will include the fish heads
  • Can’t swap old orders for blue Shovel Knight for the green or black variants
  • Castlevania LoS is its own series–Gabriel Belmont’s sales won’t affect or jeopardize the Castlevania SOTN line
  • Most likely the matches from KOTR III won’t roll over
  • Tekken Law pre-orders will be re-opened after the stream as well as Phoenix Wright orders opening up!

Phoenix Wright Statue Pointing at Alex F4F QA 95Phoenix Wright!

  • This section will be filled in as the First4Figures Phoenix Wright statue is revealed during the Q&A and put up for order. Stay tuned!
  • It’s been a long time since F4F did a 1/6 statue–maybe about 4 years? Should fit into the majority of peoples’ collections space-wise easily!
  • Tendons on the back of the hand give some realism, but Phoenix still retains the cartoony style of the video games overall
  • Went with the design from Dual Destinies because there’s more detail to Phoenix Wright as a result; he’s less detailed in the original games
  • If Phoenix Wright sales are where they need to be, Alex can have a conversation with Capcom about doing Maya as well
  • The statue was always going to be in the iconic finger-pointing pose–there was never any deliberation
  • F4F has previously done a pointing pose with Tekken King, but Phoenix’s pointing has a lot more motion and movement to it; Phoenix’s clothing helps a ton in illustrating that he’s pointing quickly and with power
  • Spike is also posed pointing, but in a relaxed way and not an aggressive one
  • Lots of wrinkling details on the suit; you don’t want to have a suit that’s too short–there should be some material at the bottom of the legs so that ankles aren’t showing
  • We don’t really see Phoenix going out and doing much or wearing clothing other than this suit, so there had to be an exacting attention to detail on the only real viable pose choice
  • A lot more white on the cuffs is shown on one side than the other to be realistic to how the suit would actually look while in the pointing pose
  • Phoenix’s hairstyle was a nightmare to sculpt–very tricky; probably will not be made of usual resin since it will be a very fragile piece
  • Alex always wants to shoot down things immediately if he sees people getting hyped about something that’s not going to happen, which is why Alex told people from the beginning that Phoenix was going to have a black base; still happy with how the base looks and thinks it complements the piece well
  • Black base with grooved tiles on it–simple, clean, and does exactly what it’s supposed to do; representative of the court room scene PW is in

Phoenix Wright DEPhoenix Wright Exclusive Edition & Definitive Edition!:

  • Revealed via the greatest product trailer F4F has ever created; Alex is so, so proud of the team for making this video; feels like it walked right out of the game
  • The Phoenix Wright EXclusive Edition will include the iconic shouting face on an interchangeable head
  • Shout-outs to the whole team for how great that trailer was!
  • Definitive Edition will come with two acrylic captions (“Objection!” and “Take That!”) to place near PW, as well as a courtroom diorama base
  • DE will include the same Phoenix with two heads, but also an additional defense bench environment base and the acrylic captions; “We could have just made a bust of Phoenix behind the defense table and called it a day since from the front you cannot see his legs. Usually don’t like that because they want to see the entirety of the piece, but Ace Attorney is unique because you don’t see his legs much in the games. For those who want to see his legs every now and then, no problem–the regular base is also included with the Definitive Edition.”

Definitive Edition Phoenix Wright Statue with Speech Bubbles and Bench F4FPhoenix Wright Pricing:

  • First4Figures has 5 warehouses in the US, UK, Canada, China and Slovakia, so this will be shipped without custom fees or taxes to most countries
  • 12-Month and under Flexipay plans are available as always; 10% NRD
  • One of the cheapest resin statues available from F4F in ages!
  • Standard Edition Price: $229.99; $17.25/month after NRD for those on 12-Month Plan
  • Exclusive Edition Price: $229.99; $17.25/month after NRD for those on 12-Month Plan
  • Definitive Edition Price: $299.99; 22.50/month after NRD for those on 12-Month Plan
  • Shipping Costs for Standard and Exclusive: $35 USD to the United States; $45 USD to the EU; $55 USD to Canada; $65 USD to Australia; Other countries’ rates on the website
  • DE shipping costs are a little bit more due to the weight and size of the package; Alex is a bit suspicious of this pricing as it sounds too good to be true, but it sounds good for us
  • Shipping Costs for Definitive Edition: $35 USD to the United States (not a type-o!); $45 USD to the EU; $55 USD to Canada; $125 USD to Australia (because shipping to AUS is by weight); Other countries’ rates on the website
  • Validation Day will be next Friday, November 30th; You get the Signature Edition for validating your order on that day including Bonus Reward Points, an extra signature card and holographic sticker
  • There will be a giveaway for the EX on the main page
  • Alex would like to hit 600 sales for 10 gold bars for this project, regardless of its pricing–the fate of the line is in our hands
  • Alex was a little concerned about the reaction to Phoenix Wright’s teaser trailer, but hopes that people dig the DE and Exclusive Edition

Phoenix Wright Objects to Alex Davis…And that’s all for this week’s F4F Q&A #95! Now that you’ve seen the EX and the DE, what are your thoughts on Phoenix Wright, F4Fans? Do you have any objections? Will you be ordering any of the versions of Phoenix Wright this week?

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