F4F went BIG this week, and the *COMPLETE* F4F Q&A #121 Recap this week has now been posted! In this week’s exciting installment, learn the answers to queries like:
WHO would the next two Dark Souls busts be after Artorias if he sells well?!
WHEN are we likely to see the POs for Reignited Spyro, Sonic & Tails Diorama and Neo-Cortex?!
WILL we be seeing any Berserk statues up for order this year?!
WHICH Castlevania SOTN characters does Alex want to make a reality?!
WHAT is Alex’s “absolute recipe for success”?!
…And more!
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I worked extra hours during college to feed my addiction to resin statues, so I’ve definitely been a hardcore resin collector for basically my entire adult life. Even so, I still know the value of a good PVC statue, and can be tempted by the right character or design. The subject of today’s review is the latter, as it’s a $100 PVC statue I purchased of a character I’ve never actually seen in a game at all! My Wait List order for F4F Dark Souls Artorias SD EX finally came through—and he was indeed worth the ‘Wait’!
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98 Down, 2 to Go! The world-shattering 100th episode of the F4F Q&A is just two weeks away, but that doesn’t mean that Alex and Chocks are taking a break! Just like the year started with Dark Souls (Ornstein), it’s also ending with Dark Souls, as the Dark Souls Mimic Exclusive statue and its Chest Companion Piece are for order today after being revealed on the show! What wondrous secrets regarding this monstrous piece did First 4 Figures reveal during the stream? Read on and find out…
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97 down, 3 to go! The countdown to the landmark 100th First 4 Figures Q&A livestream is on, but there’s still several shows (and a couple pre-orders) until we get there! This week sees the first-ever Companion Series statue go up for order–Player 2 Green Shovel Knight! P2 Shovel Knight was saved from the Vault… while he find a home on your shelf? Plus: get the answers to these exhilarating questions and more:
WHO will be the next statue pre-order? (It’s the Dark Souls Mimic.)
WHAT is the next variant armor that will be released for Shovel Knight after green?
WHEN will F4F gift cards hopefully be good-to-go?
WHERE will the Alphonse Elric statue be produced?
WHY is a good sculpt and a bad paint job better than a bad sculpt and a good paint job?
HOW would collectors feel about the Q&As moving from weekly to every other week?

First 4 Figures is oftentimes among the fastest in the business at producing and releasing statues after pre-orders close, but sometimes certain ones take a wee bit longer. Such is the case with the Dark Souls Solaire Statue, which finally began arriving this week after orders closed way back in April 2017! There’s still time to get on the Solaire Exclusive off the Wait List: Is he worth it? Let’s see how he turned out…
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[UPDATE 9/6/2018]: Refreshed the list with the reveals from GamesCom 2018, updated all of the statues already up for pre-order (including this week’s Sonic vs. Chopper F4F Partnerships Pre-Order) with dates and moved around items on the list based on the most recent information available! Every known in-development First4Figures statue is now on the list!
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It’s a bittersweet Friday for First 4 Figures fans, as while we’re all thrilled about F4F making another grandiose appearance at GamesCom 2018, it comes at the sad cost of there not being a weekly Q&A livestream (for only the fourth time since the Q&A’s inception). But hey—F4F revealed quite a few new products at the show, so no Q&A to recap? No problem! Time for the (hopefully first annual) First 4 Figures GamesCom Reveals Recap, spotlighting the new Amaterasu, Spyro, Solid Snake and Ornstein PVCs and more!
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While First 4 Figures brought an armada of amazing statue reveals to New York Comic Con last year, what they didn’t really bring was anything to sell—ultimately making NYCC 2017 an EXTREMELY costly show. But F4F always learns from their mistakes and grows from them, which is why they’ve reopened pre-orders for all in-production items for GamesCom 2018, and also debuted some brand new affordable PVCs at the event—including the Solid Snake SD and SD Ornstein figures!
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One of the many perks of being part of the First 4 Figures Official Collector’s Club Facebook Group is that members of the group oftentimes get a first look at teaser photos and special sneak peeks of upcoming statues. If you’re not already in the group, you should definitely join up. Here’s a small taste of some of what you’ve been missing in recent weeks…
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Last year, First 4 Figures fans were blessed to have the first-ever major convention appearance by F4F take place at New York Comic Con 2017. This year… we’re not so lucky. The only official F4F convention booths will be overseas in Hong Kong and Germany later this year. But CEO Alex Davis hasn’t forsaken us North Americans reveals-wise entirely—the long-awaited Dark Souls Mimic Statue debuted at E3 2018 this week!
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